- Video: The Road to Jerusalem
- Video: explore the immense cultural riches of Ethiopia
- The Miracle at Cana
- Ageless Ethiopia
- Video: What a journey to the Holy Land means to me
- Video: Encouraging Message on the sea of Galilee
- Video: A prayer on the shores of the Sea of Galilee
- Following in the Footsteps of Paul Through Greece
- Video: Virtual tour of where He was born, the setting for the nativity in Bethlehem
- Video: testimonial from the Sea of Galilee
- The Passion Play of Oberammergau 2022 — Now More than Ever
- Destination Spotlight: Shiloh
- Destination Spotlight: on why Christians should visit Jerusalem
- Destination Spotlight: Caesarea Philippi, a favorite place
- A life-changing experience: How a visit to the Holy Land transformed Harry from student of the bible to a leader in the Travel Ministry
Africa Archeology Archeology bible lands Christian holy land Bethlehem Bible lands Caesarea Cana Christian Christian roots Ethiopia Europe Greece History holyland Holy Land Holy land Israel holyland testimonial Hope israel Jerusalem Jesus Nativity Oberammergau Pastor Paul personal Personal Testament personal testimonial Philippi Christian pilgrimage Sea of Galilee Shiloh Sites Special Event testimonial video video video virtual tour